Monday, July 27, 2015

Abundant Life

by the Rev. Kate Atkinson
read the full sermon on our website - here

We talk a lot about the abundant life that Jesus offers us.  It crops up in sermons, in prayers, and in conversations. But what exactly is it? And why is it so important?

The interesting thing about abundant life is its quality of simplicity.  That may seem like a contradiction in terms: the word “abundance” suggests a large quantity of something; a generous supply of whatever we think will bring us pleasure.  And, frankly, many of us spend a lot of time seeking out those things.  We strive to accumulate money, clothes, to enjoy good food and drink, to acquire material possessions of all kinds, along with other evidence of our wealth and success.
But the power of abundant life comes from the absence of trappings.  Abundant life is found in uncluttered, unpopulated, uncomplicated moments occurring in the midst of a hectic lifestyle that’s familiar to us all.

In order to receive the full benefit of abundant life, we have to make space for it. In the jam-packed, technology-driven culture of western civilization this may be an alien concept but it’s essential – and it’s biblical too!

We’ve always known that our bodies are designed with a requirement for rest and refueling – and as civilization has advanced, we’ve recognized a need that goes beyond the basics of food and sleep.  That’s why vacations were invented!

But Jesus invites us into something more than a vacation.  He urges us to follow his example; he invites us to spend time in God’s presence, to be restored and renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus understands that our bodies and our spirits need rest and sustenance.

How will we respond to that invitation?  It may be a little easier at this time of year, when God’s Creation beckons to us in so many ways. We might take a solitary walk on the beach, or hike up a mountain with friends.  We might wander through the woods or skim across a lake.  Or we might relax in our own back yard, listening to peaceful music, or birdsong, or the wind in the trees. 

There are as many ways of finding rest and restoration as there are people in need of those things – and we know when we’ve discovered our unique way because we experience a divine abundance unlike anything the world can offer. We may not even be able to express it but the effects are unmistakable.  We’re re-energized from deep within our soul – overflowing with the peace that passes understanding.

Unlike so much that we hear about today, abundant life is not “all about me” – it’s all about God.  It’s all about moving away from the distractions that crowd our daily life.  And it’s about recognizing our need for God’s restorative love – love that can be expressed in any number of ways but is always intended to inspire and delight and energize us.

Abundant life is waiting for us all the time – on the outer edges of our vision, on the fringes of our awareness. All we have to do is step toward it, take a breath, and receive.

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