Friday, May 15, 2015

EfM is more than a bible study...

Have you heard about the “EfM” program and wondered what it was?  Did you hear the name “Education for Ministry” and assume that the end goal of the program was an ordained position such as a priest or deacon?  While the best way to learn about the program, and the impact it has on the individuals who participate in it, is to have a conversation with an EfM student or graduate, the following provides a bit more information.
The EfM program is described in this way on their website:
“Every baptized person is called to ministry. The Education for Ministry (EfM) program provides people with the education to carry out that ministry. During the Service of Confirmation we ask God to "Renew in these your servants the covenant you made with them at Baptism. Send them forth in the power of the Spirit to perform the service you set before them." EfM offers an opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service.”
EfM is a four-year course of study.  The first year is dedicated to reading the Old Testament, the second to the New Testament, the third year covers the history of Christianity, and the fourth theology.  What sets EfM apart from any other book discussion group or class is the “one-room schoolhouse” atmosphere (all four years are usually represented in a group) and conversations between participants.  The group members share with one another and support one another in this journey of discovery.  Each group has at least one mentor who is there to facilitate the group discussion and lead the students in “theological reflections” – opportunities to look at real life situations through the eyes of people of faith.
We are all “ministers” in the church.  Look at the bulletin at church this weekend, and you will see above the service participants, “Ministers in Christ: The People of St. Paul’s”.  Those who become involved with EfM do so to deepen their understanding of scripture, Christianity, and their own personal faith.
We asked current and former participants in EfM to share their thoughts on why they believe in Education for Ministry:

“EfM is more than a Bible study.  You learn to think of theology and our Christian tradition in a whole new way.  Through our discussions, I have come to discover things I never would have found on my own. “- Mike Andres (current student)

“My first year experience in EfM has been a sharp learning curve in understanding the history of religious beliefs and small group analyses of how this history informs today's church.  I value the conversations we have in many forms: from structured TRs (theological reflections), to discussing each year's readings and how they relate to one another; and each members' opinions of how our beliefs play out in today's world. “-Mary Farrell (current student)
“It is so hard to narrow it down to a few words as it was such a great 4yrs and it went by so fast. One of the things that was so enlightening and s great learning experience was the reading of the Bible and the discussion that took place with all of us having a different interpretation of what we read.  This is just a small part of what you take away from EFM.” - Fran Clapp (graduate 2014)

“I learned so much exploring the bible, Christian history, tradition, and interpretations of the Christian message.  I will always treasure the close bonds formed with the members of my EfM group as we shared our personal stories and learned techniques for living our faith. “               
 --Connie Mitchell, 2010-2014

“The layers of impact from participating in EfM for four years have been numerous.  It has fulfilled me spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally.
I have learned so much from scripture to history. Studying theology in this last year has been both stimulating and eye-opening.  Group members have been so individual and engaged in how each presented and shared each week: it was always a wonderful surprise to be part of what emerged in our discussions. “  - Karen Schwinger (graduating June 2015)

What might EfM mean to you?  In the UK the program is billed as “Exploring Faith Matters”.  If you feel called to explore your faith through the EfM program, please attend one of their upcoming information sessions here at St. Paul’s.  They will be held on Tueday, May 26th at 7:00 PM, and Sunday June 7th at 9:00 and 11:30 AM.  We will celebrate this year’s EfM graduates at the 10:00 AM service on June 7th.

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