Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Summer Breeze...

The Adult Formation series at St. Paul's this summer, appropriately called Summer Breeze, focused on different ways of discerning the breath of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

Each of us has different needs, different gifts, and different ways of being inspired.  At the first session we each completed a Spiritual Profile, choosing the statements that best described our preferences in regard to worship, beliefs, and relationships. 
Then, over the next four sessions, we explored different ways of connecting more deeply with God.

We learned how we can pray with the body, breathing deeply, with arm and body movement, increasing in us an awareness of God's presence. One approach involved movements and breathing with each line of a psalm. 

Study and reflection can also bring us closer to God, and St. Paul's offers an opportunity for this with the Education for Ministry program.  In our third session we took part in an EfM Theological Reflection, reflecting on a passage of Scripture and the meaning it has in our lives. 

For our fourth session our guest, Larry Steffler, introduced us to Laughter Yoga.  As we laughed together, being playful and silly, we experienced God's presence in our joy and friendship. 

Centering Prayer was the theme of our final session.  After listening to a passage of scripture, we each chose a sacred word as a symbol of consent to God's presence, then closed our eyes, and let go of distracting thoughts and feelings.  We learned that objects, such as prayer beads or holding crosses, can help us focus our minds during these times of Centering Prayer. 

The Summer Breeze series taught us that there are many different ways to connect with the power of the Holy Spirit and to feel the presence of God in our lives.

- written by Jean Gillespie

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